Friday, October 17, 2008

hehe. it's been a long long time since i've updated. hehe. nothing interesting to update about mah. haha. everyday go school go home go school go home. so boring. and lessons starts from 8 or 9 in the morning and ends at 6 is super tiring.

i've got 2 term papers to do, one not started yet, one just started. hope can finish asap before the 2 mid-term tests. every now and then there's also homeworks and assignments to hand in. i think this is my busiest semester ever, though i've only got 3 final exams. =x
because cz is so time consuming! i can spend the whole night just to think of like 4 lines? haha. but i've finally solved a few questions myself. so proud of myself. haha. but this time round the lecturer already provide us with most of the codes. we only need to create our own function..

next 2 weeks will be project intensive i guess. but i need to catch up on the rest of the modules.. so lagged behind.

and my mid term results was quite bad. =( i thought my universe can do better. hai. did pretty bad.. so below mean.. but my einstein was not bad. linear algebra 2 just passed. =x

busy busy. i need more than 24 hours! hehe. for my sleep though. haha.

let my mushroom brighten everyone's day! hehe. =D

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